Relic Agency


Building communities through owned media

At Relic, we help destinations build modern communities through owned media. We believe that no two destinations are alike. If that’s the case, why are so many DMO’s executing versions of the same marketing strategy? We’re here to change that.

By creating powerful owned media assets and cutting-edge distribution strategies to support them, our team will help your destination’s marketing rise above the noise and connect with the audiences that matter to you most.

Unlock Community Building for Your Destination

Discover how building modern communities through owned media can transform your destination’s marketing in the best way possible.

Our Approach
to Destination

At Relic, we create owned media assets that power earned, shared and paid media strategies

We focus on building communities through developing valuable owned media assets, building long-term relationships with potential visitors that lead to not only visitation, but repeat visitation.

Rather than just capturing existing demand, we create it, proactively shaping perceptions and desires with innovative strategies. Discover how our approach can transform your destination.

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The Three Cs of
Content Strategy

Our approach to owned media revolves around the Three Cs: Content, Community and Commerce. We create compelling content that cultivates communities, which leads to sustainable commerce.

How we do this revolves around owned media content. Owned media refers to assets a destination owns and has complete control over, like its website, blog, web series and more. Unlike traditional paid media, where you pay to advertise to a rented audience through various platforms, owned media allows you to create and share your message directly with your owned audience. It’s all about building your brand’s story and fostering a direct relationship with your audience without any intermediaries.

Focusing on building your own audience lets you control the narrative, making your marketing initiatives sustainable against changes on rented platforms and deepening your connection with your audience. This, in turn, leads to increased, sustainable commerce as your audience becomes repeat visitors to your destination.

While a full-service marketing strategy is crucial, our promotion of content prioritizes a balanced media mix, leveraging paid, earned and shared media to maximize fiscal efficiency and ensure sustainable success, thus reinforcing the community and continuing the cycle of the “Three Cs”.

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Elevate Your

We’re a full-service agency but with a key difference that makes us truly unique. Our strategies start with building owned media assets that power all the other marketing channels.

We provide comprehensive marketing services, including media placement, public relations and creative solutions all powered by owned media prioritizing promoting content over ad purchasing. This results in the construction of modern communities without geographical restrictions.

Our strategy builds meaningful relationships with potential visitors, resulting in sustainable commerce in perpetuity.

Want to see the difference for yourself? Get in touch with us to discover how our content-first strategies can elevate your destination brand and ensure sustained success.

Ensure Your Destination’s Success


We’re not ones to brag. It takes good clients to make a good agency. Take a peek at some of our favorite projects.


Helped transform Myrtle Beach’s media strategy

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Viral viewer-driven YouTube series with Ice Shaker and the Gronkowski brothers

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Increased the Hola Laredo Podcast’s listenership by 657% in one month.

View case study


Reached over 1 million people and more than 100,000 engagements.

View case study


Completely changing the perception of their destination.

View case study

How Can
We Help?

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